HE 8204: Exploratory Teen Living 6

Middle School

This nine-week course helps students discover and develop personal interests, abilities and choices related to their future education, careers, and lives. The skills students learn include the following: improving communication and social skills; acquiring a basic knowledge of nutrition; safety and management in the food laboratory; using clothing management skills; and exploring career options.

Virginia Beach City Public Schools ensures equal access to all CTE courses. Accessibility accommodations will be provided as needed.



Me and My Relationships


Foods and Nutrition


Managing My Resources


Clothing Essentials



One key element of succeeding in a new environment like middle school is to effectively manage new relationships.  Building and maintaining healthy relationships requires us to add skills to our social-emotional toolkit.  As we learn more about ourselves and how we interact with others, we begin to grow.  To help us be purposeful in our growth, we can learn how to use goal-setting. 

Growing and maturing are signs that we are becoming more independent.  One of the ways in which we are given more freedom is in choosing what we eat.  This unit will help us focus on seeing food as nutritional fuel as way to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The opportunities that lie ahead of us can seem overwhelming at times.  However, we can prepare ourselves now by exploring academic and career planning.  We will not commit to a plan of action, but rather, we will assess our skills and talents (personal resources) to find a career cluster of interest.  This information will provide an opportunity for further investigation later in middle school.    

With more independence comes more responsibility.  One area in which 6th graders can demonstrate responsibility if for their clothing.  In this unit, we will learn the basic care and maintenance of clothing.

Transfer Goals

  • Bridge the academic, employability and technical skills to prepare students for emerging occupations
  • Foster student involvement in professional organizations, which strengthens collaboration and community.
  • Bridge the academic, employability and technical skills to prepare students for emerging occupations
  • Empower students to be successful citizens, workers, and leaders in a global economy.
  • Bridge the academic, employability and technical skills to prepare students for emerging occupations
  • Empower students to be successful citizens, workers, and leaders in a global economy.
  • Bridge the academic, employability and technical skills to prepare students for emerging occupations
  • Empower students to be successful citizens, workers, and leaders in a global economy.

Unit Learning Targets

  • Develop appropriate protocols for managing relationships
  • Create meaningful goals for the near future
  • Demonstrate ways to incorporate the 5 food groups of My Plate into mealtime
  • Explain the importance of nutrients
  • Identify skills and talents and assess how they can be used to lead to a more fulfilling life
  • Create a pathway with necessary training and/or education to employment or enlistment
  • Complete the laundry cycle: sorting, washing, and folding 
  • Demonstrate proper use of sewing notions and related equipment