Summer Program

Cyber CampThe middle school summer program is designed for students in grades six, seven, and eight, who have not met the middle school promotion standard during the regular school year. The promotion standard requires that students pass five (5) classes (language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, plus either health and physical education or exploratory/elective courses) to be promoted to the next grade level.

If students need to successfully repeat only one or two of the required courses to be eligible for promotion to the next grade level, then they should attend summer school. Middle school students will be allowed to enroll in no more than two repeat courses during the summer. Only one repeat course may be taken per session. Students who have not met promotion standards or have not passed a state assessment may be required to enroll in available summer remediation programs for language arts and mathematics. In addition, remedial summer school programs are available to provide extra support to qualifying students. All middle school summer programs are subject to sufficient enrollment and availability of certified teaching staff.