High school credit-bearing courses taken in middle school will count toward meeting the credits required for graduation.
Based on School Board Regulation 5-26.2, the grades of middle school students who take credit-bearing courses can be purged if certain procedures are followed.
- The parent/guardian of a middle school student taking a high school credit-bearing course(s) may request that the grade for such course or courses be purged from the student’s transcript and that the student not earn high school credit for the course.
- A written request or completed form for the purging/expunging of grades pursuant to this regulation must be presented to the middle school building principal on or before July 15 of the school year immediately following completion of the 8th grade school year. EXCEPTION: In a sequential program such as a world language where one course must precede the next, students who choose to purge or expunge the credit from a lower-level course after successfully completing the higher level(s) of the course will not be permitted to do so without expunging all subsequent courses in that sequence.
- Once the principal receives a request for the purging of such grade and credit, the student's permanent transcript will be altered so that the course, grade and credit are not reflected.
- A student dropping a course pursuant to this subsection is still required to meet the prescribed graduation requirements set forth in Policy 5-30 and Regulation 5-30.1; where a course has been dropped, a course fulfilling the graduation requirement must be successfully completed at the middle school or high school level.
- A student who has a grade purged from his/her record but passes the related end-of-course SOL test, will not be required to retake the SOL test to earn verified credit if he/she successfully repeats the related course.