PE 7865: Advanced PE: Unified Physical Education

Credits 1
High School

This course differs from traditional physical education courses by providing a variety of recreational activities that appeal to a wider representation of our student population, including those students with and without disabilities. Unified Physical Education provides inclusive leadership opportunities, community partnerships, physical activity, and a focus on the social, emotional, and mental health of all participants. This course provides all students with a less competitive atmosphere and the opportunity to work in a cooperative learning environment where the motivation is primarily aligned to developing relationships and maintaining a heathy lifestyle. In addition to participating in an inclusive environment, students are able to learn about recreational planning for a variety of populations, which pairs this course with the sequential elective in recreational activities. Career paths in therapeutic recreation, careers working with special populations, and an awareness of the key components of accessible environments are additional outcomes for students in this course. Students will engage in functional fitness and fitness planning, nutrition, aerobics, individual sports, outdoor pursuits, team competition and other recreational activities.


HPE I & HPE II or Adapted PE