Online HPE II: Online Health and Physical Education 10

Credits 1
High School

After completing HPE I, students are proficient in fundamental movement skills and skill combinations and are competent in self-selected physical activities that they are likely to pursue throughout life including outdoor pursuits, fitness activities, dance and rhythmic activities, aquatics, selected individual performance activities, and net/wall and target games. They understand and apply concepts and principles of mechanics and anatomy in relation to human movement and apply the concepts and principles of the body’s metabolic response to short-term and long-term physical activity. Students are good leaders and good followers; they respect others and anticipate and avoid unsafe physical activity situations. They develop the ability to understand and they anticipate how physical activity interests and abilities change across a lifetime. Students demonstrate competency in lifelong physical activities and plan, implement, self-assess, and modify a personal fitness plan. Students are prepared to lead a physically active lifestyle.

Students also participate in health education to develop health literacymeaning they acquire an understanding of health concepts and the skills needed to make healthy decisions to improve, sustain, and promote personal, family, and community health. These skills align with core competencies (i.e., self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship building, and responsible decision-making) identified in the CASEL framework for social and emotional learning (


Health and Physical Education 9