Grade 2 Parent Student Course Information

Dear Parents:

The purpose of this guide is to provide you with insight into the instructional program and learning expectations for your child. The guide contains the emphasis of instruction for each subject area. The instructional program focuses on the Virginia Beach objectives which include the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL). Please take time to become acquainted with the helpful information in this guide.

Your interest and involvement in your child’s education promotes positive attitudes toward learning and enhanced academic achievement. We are excited about the opportunity to join you in providing the best possible education for your child.

Thank you for your careful review of this guide. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.

Department of Teaching and Learning

Using the Guide

The contents of this guide provide information about the elementary instructional program. The following are recommendations for using the Parent/Student Course Information.

  • Become familiar with the introduction and the objectives for each subject area, as well as the overview provided for additional resources
  • Refer to the guide as you prepare for conferences with your child’s teacher
  • Use the guide to promote conversation about your child’s classroom learning and homework assignments

Invite Success

It is important that the following practices, critical for school success, be established and reinforced at home. Parents should encourage the following behaviors in their children.

  • Attend school regularly
  • Eat well, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep 
  • Put forth his/her best effort
  • Listen attentively
  • Select an appropriate study place and develop a consistent study routine
  • Have available necessary supplies 
  • Be prepared and organized
  • Plan ahead
  • Read for fun and information

General Information

Elementary School Counseling Program
Each elementary school offers a comprehensive and developmental counseling program that is an integral part of the total educational program designed to promote the academic, social, and career development of all students. As an essential part of the instructional program, school counseling helps to build a foundation for student learning and academic success. Licensed school counselors provide a variety of services, including classroom instruction, crisis intervention, individual and group services, support for parents, teachers, and administrators, and coordination of services with outside agencies.

Parent/Student Handbook
Each school's parent/student handbook is sent home at the beginning of the school year. It contains general information about the school's program, the school division calendar, availability of school services and materials, regulations, and general guidelines.

Report Cards
The Report Card formally advises parents of their child's proficiency. It is issued four times a year. Other informal progress reports are sent home at regular intervals. In addition, parents who register for the online Parent Portal can monitor their children’s progress throughout the year.

Language Arts

The second grade language arts program focuses on the broad areas of communication, reading, writing and research. Students will be introduced to a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction literature which will serve as a basis for instruction and practice in phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and writing.

Communication and Multimodal Literacies

  • Uses oral communication skills in a variety of settings
  • Demonstrates an understanding of oral, early literacy skills


  • Orally identifies, produces and manipulates phonemes to develop phonemic awareness
  • Uses phonetic strategies when reading and spelling
  • Expands vocabulary and use of word meanings
  • Reads and demonstrates comprehension of fictional texts
  • Reads and demonstrates comprehension of nonfiction texts

Writing and Research

  • Writes in a variety of forms
  • Edits writing for capitalization, punctuation, spelling and Standard English
  • Conducts research by gathering information and answering questions to complete a research product


Essential Questions: How am I using reading strategies to construct meaning? How does what I am reading help me frame my ideas for writing?  How am I working  to communicate my ideas?


Unit Title and Quarter

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Unit 1 - 3: Thinking About the Pieces

 Exploring the Elements of Fiction and Nonfiction Text Features

Unit 4 -5:  Laying the Foundation

Let’s Tell A Story! Summarizing Fiction and Analyzing Characters and  It’s A Fact! Main Idea and Details in Nonfiction

Unit 6 - 7: Building with the Parts

Theme in Fiction and Thinking Deeply About Fiction and Nonfiction

Unit 8 - 10: Putting It All Together

Fiction and Nonfiction and Refining Our Reading Strategies; Reflecting on Our Reading and Writing Community










Focus of the Story

We start our year by learning about one another and the world. We continue to build our reading and writing skills based on what we know about words, sentences, and paragraphs. We read, write, and share narrative and nonfiction texts.

Then, we focus on how to build meaning in what we read.  In fiction, we become better readers and writers by describing characters and summarizing important events. In nonfiction texts, we identify main ideas and supporting details to help comprehension and support the writing process.

Next, we add the piece of theme in fiction and draw conclusions in nonfiction to help us construct meaning.  We use our skills to research, read, and write on a topic that we are excited to learn more about.

Now,  we celebrate how much we have grown as readers and writers. We feel confident connecting  reading strategies to construct meaning in a variety of texts. We also apply our writing strategies to develop and share ideas to make sense of the world.  

There is a high priority in second grade to use phonics to read and spell words.

Transfer Goals

Communicate through speaking and listening to share ideas and explain my thinking. 

Explore the connections among letters, sounds, word parts, and vocabulary to understand the power of language that an author uses to express an idea.

Read, comprehend, and analyze texts in order to construct meaning about the world and themselves. 

Plan, draft, edit, revise and publish one’s writing for a purpose, task, or audience.

Engage in research and inquiry to analyze, evaluate source credibility, and become more knowledgeable about a given topic.

Learning Targets

I can identify story elements to comprehend narrative texts. 

I can identify and  use  text features to construct meaning as I read. 

I can use spelling patterns to read and write words.

I can write about what I am learning in a text.

I can use spelling patterns to read and write words.

I can describe a character’s traits, feelings, and actions in a story.

I can summarize the story using story elements (characters, conflict, resolution).

I can identify the main idea and supporting details in nonfiction texts.

I can use strategies to draft and organize my thoughts according to the type of writing.

I can use spelling patterns to read and write words.

I can identify the theme and make inferences to explain the lesson of a story.

I can use supporting details to draw conclusions based on nonfiction texts.

I can locate information to answer questions.

I can revise my writing to elaborate and expand on my ideas (relevant details, word choice, use of adjectives).

I can use spelling patterns to read and write words.

I can read and comprehend a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts.

I can write in a variety of forms to demonstrate what I have learned (poems, letters, journals).

I can share my ideas and build upon the ideas of others.


The second grade mathematics program continues to emphasize the patterns that exist in the Base-10 number system. Students develop strategies that help with basic addition facts and corresponding subtraction facts. A larger emphasis is placed on learning about rational numbers and part-to-whole relationships. Measurement becomes quantifiable through estimation and the use of standard units to identify length, mass/weight and volume. Spatial relationships are explored by comparing and contrasting plane and solid geometric figures. Experimental data is collected and graphed in order to predict outcomes. Algebraic exploration will focus on equivalence through solving for unknown values. Students will continue to recognize, identify, and extend repeating and growing patterns.

Numeration and Computation

  • Understand numbers, the ways of representing whole numbers and rational numbers, and the relationships that exist among these numbers and number systems
  • Understand the meanings of addition and subtraction and compute using whole numbers

Geometry and Measurement

  • Understand and apply knowledge of time, money, and measurement tools
  •  Analyze characteristics and properties of plane (two-dimensional) and solid (three-dimensional) geometric shapes

Probability and Statistics

  • Create questions and construct answers by collecting, organizing, and displaying data
  • Understand and apply basic concepts of probability

Patterns, Functions, and Algebra

  • Understand a variety of patterns
  • Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols


In second grade, the science program focuses on investigating and understanding patterns and change in the natural world. Students will continue to develop a broad range of scientific and engineering practices as they build upon their previous understandings of force, water, weather, plants, and animals and begin to explore these concepts through the lens of change.

Force, Motion, and Energy

  • Explain how forces, including magnetism and gravity, can cause an object to move


  • Explain that matter has mass and takes up space
  • Investigate and identify the distinguishing characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases
  • Describe the transformation of matter from one phase to another

Living Systems and Processes

  • Describe life cycles of plants and animals
  • Describe how living things interact within a system
  • Describe how habitats provide for animals’ needs and can change over time

Earth and Space Systems

  •  Explain basic weather phenomena and common storms
  • Describe how weather data can help predict weather patterns and storms
  • Describe the effect weather has on living things and on the environment
  • Identify types of changes which can affect the land, to include erosion, weathering, storms, and seasonal changes

Earth Resources

  •  Identify and classify the sources and uses of plant products
  • Describe the various ways plants provide for the needs of animals and can reduce soil erosion


Essential Questions:  How can we describe the changes we are observing? What is causing the changes we are observing?

Unit Title and Quarter

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Your Local Forecast:

Changes Outside

Unit: Weather

Changes Inside

Unit: Matter

Invisible Forces of Change

Unit: Force and Motion

Natural Changes

Unit: Systems in Nature

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Focus of the Story

We start our year looking at change outside, becoming careful observers and data collectors about what’s all around us- the weather! We then look for patterns within the data and ask: How do those patterns help us predict? Finally, we investigate to see how changes in the weather affect living organisms and the environment. 

Next we look carefully at matter. We ask questions and investigate how heating can change the phases of matter. Then, we use what we know to propose a solution to a common problem. When we test it out, will it work?

Next, we explore the world of forces, including magnetism. How can a magnet cause an object to change its motion? Then, we take what we know and think creatively about how to make something move- even without touching it!

Finally, we end our year by thinking about how changes in nature often cause other changes. By year’s end we understand that living things (including us!) adapt to change in order to survive. Change is all around us!

Transfer goals

Analyze and interpret data to determine its validity or usefulness, identify patterns and relationships, and/or draw conclusions  

Ask questions driven by curiosity on a given event or process in the natural world based on observations or data. 

Plan and carry out investigations or use a design process to answer a question or solve a problem 

Ask questions driven by curiosity on a given event or process in the natural world based on observations or data. 

Define problems through research into what is already known and think creatively about what solutions might be possible 

Communicate results, solutions, or findings to inspire further inquiry and courses of action 

Learning Targets


I can gather data about the weather and analyze it for patterns.

I can make predictions from patterns I see in the weather data.

I can research how weather changes affect living things and the environment.

I can ask questions about how changes in heat energy affects matter.

I can investigate how matter changes phases.

I can use a design process to solve a problem about how to keep a drink cold.

I can ask questions about how forces change an object's motion.

I can investigate how gravity and magnetism act as forces on objects.

I can define a problem and use what I know about magnetic force to solve it.

I can describe how plants and animals change in their life cycles.

I can describe how changes in a habitat affect animals.

I can explain how plants and animals in Virginia are important natural resources.

Social Studies

In second grade, students will develop understandings around four major units: Civics, Geography, History (American Indians) and Economics, through inquiry. The ideas and skills developed within these units, along with the study of influential Americans and American holidays, serve to focus students on the active ways that social sciences play a role in their everyday lives and that learning from the past helps us in the present.


  • Practice and apply the traits and responsibilities of a citizen
  • Understand the common principles that unite the American people
  • Describe symbols and traditional practices that foster patriotism


  • Identify the location of the continents, oceans and major geographic features on maps and globes
  • Identify the location of the equator, prime meridian and four hemispheres

History (American Indians)

  • Describe how the American Indians of the Eastern Woodlands (Powhatan), Plains (Lakota), and Southwest (Pueblo) used their environment to meet their basic needs
  • Explain the contributions of American Indians and how American Indian cultures have changed


  • Describe the three major types of resources (natural, capital and human)
  • Distinguish between the use of barter and money
  • Explore the concept of scarcity

Famous Americans and Holidays

  • Describe the contributions of selected individuals
  • Describe why people of the United States celebrate major holidays


Essential Questions: How are all people connected? What can I learn from others? How do my choices influence my world?


Unit Titles

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

I am a citizen…

I can describe locations…

I can learn from others…

I have responsibilities and choices that matter…

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Focus of the Story

To begin second grade, we consider the responsibilities and contributions of citizens in the United States and in our communities. 

Next, we explore the world of geography and location, both near and far. 

In our next unit, we will examine the lives of indigenous people, famous Americans, and holidays and learn about how different people adapt to challenges. 

In our final unit, we will make choices and will consider how choices and resources impact ourselves, others and our community. 

Transfer Goals

CONNECT: Demonstrate civic and social practices through interactions with others and self-reflection in service of an interdependent global community

QUESTION: Ask and pursue a line of questioning based on curiosity, prior knowledge, personal experience, and ongoing research to establish patterns, draw well-reasoned conclusions, or take actions

ENGAGE: Engage in respectful discourse to exchange and process diverse information, ideas, and points of view in order to inform one’s own perspective and explanation 

ACT: Communicate effectively based on purpose, task, and audience using valid and reliable information with accurate and relevant details 

ENGAGE: Engage in respectful discourse to exchange and process diverse information, ideas, and points of view in order to inform one’s own perspective and explanation 

ACT: Communicate effectively based on purpose, task, and audience using valid and reliable information with accurate and relevant details 

CONNECT: Demonstrate civic and social practices through interactions with others and self-reflection in service of an interdependent global community

Learning Targets

I can explain and show the responsibilities of a citizen. 

I can explain the principles of American citizens.

I can identify the five oceans, seven continents, hemispheres and the major geographic features of the United States.

I can explain and show the responsibilities of a citizen. 

I can explain the principles of American citizens.

I can describe how the climate and land affected how American Indians lived.

I can explain the contributions of American Indians.

I can explain how American Indian cultures have changed.

I can describe and provide examples of natural, human and capital resources.

I can explain how scarcity causes people to make choices.

Health and Physical Education

The second grade health and physical education objectives reflect the Virginia Standards of Learning. Instruction reinforces the Standards of Learning in the core subject areas.

Motor Skill Development

  • Performs fundamental motor skills and specialized movement patterns

Anatomical Basis of Movement

  • Uses cognitive information to enhance motor skill acquisition and performance

Fitness Planning

  • Communicates the knowledge to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of fitness

Social Development

  • Expresses and uses responsible personal and social behaviors in activity settings

Energy Balance

  • Uses health concepts related to health promotion and improvement of personal health

Personal Health

  • Demonstrates the ability to access, evaluate and use health information to recognize the relationship between personal behavior and personal health

Family Life Education

The Family Life Education (FLE) program for the Virginia Beach City Public Schools is a part of the FLE Virginia Standards of Learning and is taught by a second grade teacher. The focus is on relationships and human development. An opportunity is provided for parents or guardians to opt their children out of the FLE program if they do not wish their children to participate in some or all of the program lessons. Display copies of the program curriculum, including a description of the resource materials used, are available for review at all public schools. Resource materials are available electronically at the request of the parents or guardians. For further information, call the coordinator of health and physical education, Department of Teaching and Learning at (757) 263-1070.

Instructional Technology

The second grade Digital Learning Integration Standards offer children a variety of instructional technology experiences based on the Profile of a Virginia Graduate. These standards are comprehensive statements that explain foundational knowledge, skills, and experiences aligned to the K-2 curriculum standards.

Empowered Learner: Students leverage technologies, including assistive technologies, to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals informed by the learning sciences.

Digital Citizenship: Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.

Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of digital resources using appropriate technologies, including assistive technologies, to construct knowledge, produce creative digital works, and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

Innovative Designer: Students use a variety of technologies, including assistive technologies, within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions or iterations.

Computational Thinker: Students develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods, including those that leverage assistive technologies, to develop and test solutions

Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using appropriate technologies (including assistive technologies), styles, formats, and digital media appropriate to their goals.

Global Collaborator: Students use appropriate technologies, including assistive technologies, to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally.

Essential Information Literacy Skills (EILS)

The second grade Essential Information Literacy Skills (EILS) enhance student experiences for developing skills in information literacy, inquiry, collaboration, and engaging with knowledge products safely and ethically. These skills are achieved through the collaboration of the classroom teacher and the library media specialist (LMS).

Inquire: Build new knowledge by inquiring, thinking critically, identifying problems, and developing strategies for solving problems.

  • Display curiosity and initiative by asking questions about topics of interest
  • Adapt, communicate, and exchange learning products with others
  • Participate in an ongoing inquiry-based process

Include: Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity in the learning community.

  • Contribute a balanced perspective when participating in a learning community by respecting and understanding that there are other viewpoints
  • Interact with a diverse group of peers in a respectful manner and by sharing their perspectives

Collaborate: Work effectively with others to broaden perspectives and work toward common goals.

  • Actively listen in a group and work with others to solve problems
  • Participate with others in learning situations by actively contributing to group discussions

Curate: Make Meaning for oneself and others by collecting, organizing, and sharing resources of personal relevance.

  • Act on information needs by identifying possible sources of information
  • Understand how an information resource is organized
  • Gather information by recognizing and seeking a variety of print and digital resources as well as organizing information for a variety of audiences and purposes
  • Exchange information resources within and beyond their learning environment

Explore: Discover and innovate in a growth mindset developed through experience and reflection.

  • Develop and satisfy personal curiosity by reading widely and deeply in multiple formats and writing for a variety of purposes
  • Construct new knowledge by problem solving through cycles of design and implementation
  • Engage with the learning community by developing innovative means of investigation and collaboratively identify innovative solutions
  • Problem solve through reflection and revision; be open to feedback

Engage: Demonstrate safe, legal and ethical creating and sharing of knowledge products independently while engaging in a community of practice and an interconnected world.

  • Follow ethical and legal guidelines for gathering and using information by complying with the school division’s Acceptable Use Policy
  • Use valid information and reasoned conclusions to make ethical decisions by ethically using, citing, and reproducing others’ work to avoid plagiarism
  • Recognize the importance of citing sources
  • Create a product with a specific message for an intended audience
  • Engage with information to extend personal learning by selecting appropriate sources and formats and by locating materials in the library for personal growth and pleasure


The elementary art program is designed as a concept-based, sequential curriculum that makes connections between art and life through the disciplines of creative process, critical thinking and communication, history/culture/citizenship, innovation in the arts, art techniques and applications, and the core curriculum.

Second grade art develops an understanding of concepts with an emphasis placed on developing skills in observation, problem solving, and communication. Students use a balance between learning and creating to examine and to develop appreciation of the visual images in their environment. Elementary art focuses on developing skills needed for creating art and becoming an informed consumer. Students participate in an art class each week that is taught by an art teacher.

Creative Process

  • Applies the creative process through inquiry, investigation, generating ideas, testing solutions, refining and reflecting on process and product

Critical Thinking and Communication

  • Demonstrates an understanding and appreciation that art can have diverse values, meanings and definitions; uses appropriate vocabulary and communication when responding to works of art

History, Culture and Citizenship

  • Demonstrates an understanding that art is a reflection of time, place and culture, and identifies the value and reasons for creating art within communities

Innovation in the Arts

  • Understands and applies the artistic process, problem-solving skills, current and emerging technologies while making connections to visual arts careers

Technique and Application

  • Uses artistic skills and techniques when developing ideas for creative expression through a variety of media


Essential Questions: What Are the Big Issues About Art? How and Why Do We Make Art? How Does Art Relate to History and Culture? How Do We Respond to Works of Art?

Unit Title and Quarter





What is Art? 

Arts in the Communities

Culture & Tradition

Technology in Art

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Andre Derain, Charing Cross Bridge, London, 1906. Oil on Canvas.


Malcah Zeldis, Tells Bakery, 

Oil Painting


William Henry Johnson, Sowing, ca. 1940


 Maggie Taylor, Garden, 2005. Digital photo collage. 

Focus of the Story

We begin by starting our journey by leading students through a discussion answering the big question, What is art and why do we create art?  We look to this as a foundation of the purpose of our journey in the art classroom.

Once we understand the beginning steps, we can move into investigating how artists are inspired by different cultures, traditions, celebrations and customs within their community and around the world. We can take a further look at our own community for ideas.


Now, we can move into exploring how art can be used to tell a story and communicate ideas. Students will continue to develop their own artistic voice by making connections between the arts.Telling their personal stories while building connections with their art community.

Finally, we can start to  research and experiment with digital tools through artmaking. We can investigate the use of tools and their importance in the digital artmaking world.  

Transfer Goals

The Creative Process

Apply creative process through inquiry, investigation, generating ideas, testing solutions, refining, and reflecting on process and product while developing a personalized portfolio exhibiting original voice and vision as an artist. 

Critical Thinking & Communication   Understands and develops an appreciation that art can have diverse values, meanings, and definitions while recognizing multiple responses and perspectives. Share ideas using appropriate vocabulary and communication when responding to works of art. Able to work independently and collaboratively.


  Explore and understand historical influences of art through the work of self and others while cultivating an awareness that art is a reflection of time, place and culture. Students identify and interact with art as a community member and citizen, developing a lifelong engagement with art as a supporter, advocate, creator, and informed viewer.

Innovation in the Arts Understands and applies the artistic process, problem-solving skills, current and emerging technologies while making connections to visual arts careers. 


  Explore and understand historical influences of art through the work of self and others while cultivating an awareness that art is a reflection of time, place and culture. Students identify and interact with art as a community member and citizen, developing a lifelong engagement with art as a supporter, advocate, creator, and informed viewer.

Critical Thinking & Communication   Understands and develops an appreciation that art can have diverse values, meanings, and definitions while recognizing multiple responses and perspectives. Share ideas using appropriate vocabulary and communication when responding to works of art. Able to work independently and collaboratively.

Techniques & Application

Able to transfer and apply knowledge of artistic skills and techniques when developing ideas for creative expression through a variety of media.       

Innovation in the Arts Understands and applies the artistic process, problem-solving skills, current and emerging technologies while making connections to visual arts careers. 

Learning Targets

As an artist, I can: 

Think creatively to make an artwork

Experiment and use different combinations of ideas for a work of art.

Illustrate  imaginary characters, scenes, or experiences.


As an artist I can:

Explore different cultures and historical influences of art.

Identify symbols and motifs from different cultures.

Identify public art, both historical and contemporary, and its importance to the community. 

Explain ways that art reflects others' cultures such as attitudes, beliefs, and experiences.

Describe roles of artwork and artists in our communities.

As an artist I can:

Identify connections between the arts, including music, theater, or dance in an artwork.

Practice craftsmanship to create two and three dimensional art.

Create works of art from different themes, and/or literary sources..

As an artist, I can:

Explore digital tools for artmaking.

Successfully use Elements and Principles of Design in an artwork.

Choose sources for inspiration for learning about art.


The Virginia Standards of Learning for Grade Two General Music enable students to continue developing musical skills and concepts in singing, playing instruments, listening, performing, responding with expression, creating/composing, and moving with a focus on fine motor skills. Students continue to explore the concept of a creative process and how it can be used to develop ideas for creating music. Emphasis is placed on ensemble playing, notating pitches and rhythms, and identifying instruments. Students investigate how people experience music in everyday life and explore how music evokes personal ideas and emotions. Students participate in a weekly music class taught by a music specialist.

Creative Process

  • Improvise and compose music
  • Apply a creative process for music

Critical Thinking and Communication

  • Analyze music
  • Describe how music evokes personal ideas and emotions
  • Demonstrate collaboration and communication skills for music rehearsal and performance

History, Culture, and Citizenship

  • Explore historical and cultural aspects of music
  • Describe roles of music and musicians in communities
  • Identify appropriate sources for listening to music

Innovation in the Arts

  • Identify how individuals create music
  • Identify how music can be created using technology tools
  • Identify relationships between music and other fields of knowledge

Technique and Application

  • Demonstrate music literacy
  • Develop skills for individual and ensemble singing performance
  • Develop skills for individual and ensemble instrumental performance
  • Classify, perform and count rhythmic patterns
  • Understand and apply the difference between melodic rhythm and steady beat using body percussion, instruments and voice
  • Respond to music with movement


Essential Questions: How do musicians know what to play or sing?


Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Unit Title

The Budding Musician

The Growing Musician

The Innovative Musician

The Creating Musician

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Focus of the Story

Our journey begins with expanding our singing voices and learning to read and write basic melodies. 

We continue our learning by exploring historical and cultural aspects of music. We also begin reading and writing rhythmic patterns of increasing difficulty and use instruments to accompany us while singing.

Next, we enter the world of music technology by exploring tools for making music. Our toolbox includes using movement and instruments to experience and show changes in dynamics and tempo and explore musical form. 

The year ends with us demonstrating our music literacy skills by composing melodies, reading and writing rhythmic patterns and creating movement to illustrate musical form. 

Transfer Goals

Understand and apply creative processes to guide the development of ideas, original works, and musical performance.

Analyze, interpret, and evaluate musical works from a variety of cultures.

Use music literacy to demonstrate understanding of the elements of music and the ways they inform artistic performance and creative expression.

Use technology as a strategic mechanism for improving music literacy and improving music performance.

Understand and apply creative processes to guide the development of ideas, original works, and musical performance.

Analyze, interpret, and evaluate musical works from a variety of cultures.

Understand and find meaning in music as a form of community engagement through involvement as a performer, supporter, advocate, and audience member.

Use music literacy to demonstrate understanding of the elements of music and the ways they inform artistic performance and creative expression.

Use technology as a strategic mechanism for improving music literacy and improving music performance.

Understand and apply creative processes to guide the development of ideas, original works, and musical performance.

Analyze, interpret, and evaluate musical works from a variety of cultures.

Explore and connect personal interests, experiences, and aspirations through vocation, advocacy, and arts patronage.

Use music literacy to demonstrate understanding of the elements of music and the ways they inform artistic performance and creative expression.

Use technology as a strategic mechanism for improving music literacy and improving music performance.

Understand and apply creative processes to guide the development of ideas, original works, and musical performance.

Analyze, interpret, and evaluate musical works from a variety of cultures.

Understand and find meaning in music as a form of community engagement through involvement as a performer, supporter, advocate, and audience member.

Explore and connect personal interests, experiences, and aspirations through vocation, advocacy, and arts patronage.

Curate a portfolio of accomplishments, experiences, and performance materials exhibiting oneself as an artist.

Use music literacy to demonstrate understanding of the elements of music and the ways they inform artistic performance and creative expression.

Use technology as a strategic mechanism for improving music literacy and improving music performance.

Learning Targets

I can explore plans to create music.

I can work with others to create music.

I can identify music from different places and cultures.

I can sing and play instruments musically.                              

I can read and perform rhythms and melodies.

I can use music vocabulary to describe tempo and dynamics.

I can perform a 4 beat ostinato to accompany a song.

I can read and notate melodies using so, mi, and la.

I can read and perform rhythmic patterns using single eighth notes.

I can demonstrate the difference between steady beat and rhythm.

I can identify melodies by sight and sound.

I can sing melodies that move up, down, and stay the same.

I can read and notate rhythms and melodies.

I can accompany a song or chant using an instrument with proper technique.

I can identify technology that creates music.

I can describe why music is valuable to world cultures.

I can read and notate melodies using movable DO.

I can use musical vocabulary to describe music.

I can describe the tempo and dynamics of a piece of music.

I can describe the ideas and feelings music creates in my mind.

I can perform patterns that move up, down, and stay the same.

I can play a steady beat or rhythmic ostinato to accompany a song.

I can use half notes and half rests correctly.

I can count and perform rhythms using instruments, body percussion, and voice.

I can create patterns to accompany music.

I can improvise music using instruments to enhance songs.

I can use technology to create a melody using so, mi, and la. 

I can sing melodies that move up, down, and stay the same.

I can read and notate  melodies.

I can identify technology that creates music.

I can describe steps in my plan to create music.

I can use good citizenship to show appropriate audience and participant behavior in a music setting.                                

I can actively listen to music.  

I can read, perform, notate and count rhythm patterns.

I can identify how music can be created with technology.

I can read and perform melody patterns.

I can describe the tempo and dynamics of a piece of music.

I can play a variety of tempos and dynamics on my instrument.

I can identify music from different places and cultures.

I can practice singing in tune.

I can read and sing melody patterns that use do, re, mi. 

I can show AB sections through dance and movement.

I can work with my class to make a plan to create a dance.

I can use music to enhance a story, song or poem.

I can improvise rhythmic patterns.

I can work with others to create music.

I can compose a simple melody.

I can describe the tempo and dynamics of music.

I can explore the music of various world cultures.

I can create a movement/dance to show AB sections.

I can read and perform second-grade rhythms.

I can play instruments musically.

I can compose music with others.

I can identify music from different places and cultures.

I can read and notate pentatonic melodies (DO-RE-MI-SO-LA).

I can use music vocabulary to describe music.

I can identify how music can be created using technology.

I can sing with increasing pitch accuracy.

I can use good citizenship to show appropriate audience and participant behavior in a music setting.


The school-based program for gifted education is grounded in the content of the regular curriculum and is differentiated, modified, and expanded to provide appropriate learning challenges. Gifted resource teachers coach, collaborate with and support second grade teachers in differentiation of curriculum and instruction for students. Opportunities are provided for students through whole group and small group instruction by the school’s gifted resource teacher to enhance creative, critical, and logical thinking skills; to use problem solving strategies; to strengthen communication skills; and to enhance positive attitudes toward themselves and others. For further information, contact the Office of K-12 and Gifted Programs at 757-263-1405.

Old Donation School

Old Donation School is a full-time school for intellectually gifted students in grades two through eight. Students must apply to Old Donation School, be accepted, and demonstrate Virginia Beach residency in order to attend. Applications are due in January. The curriculum at Old Donation School is designed to provide students with the depth and complexity necessary to challenge and stimulate the mind of the intellectually gifted student. Instruction is differentiated to meet the diverse needs of all students. Contact the Office of Gifted Testing at 757-263-6870 or visit the Gifted Programs site on for program and application information.

Academic Support

Academic support programs are designed to strengthen and improve the achievement of students who would benefit from additional academic assistance. These programs are available to students in grades kindergarten through twelve. Academic support goals are established for eligible students, and student progress is monitored. For further information, contact the principal of your child’s school.

Special Education

Special education is specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, to meet the needs of a student with a disability as described in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) and the Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia. Through a process of identification, evaluation, and eligibility determination, students determined to require special education and related services are provided specially designed instruction and supports as delineated in an individualized education program (IEP).

The IEP is developed through a collaborative process between parents, teachers, administrators, other service providers, and students, when appropriate. An IEP is implemented according to the agreed upon services once written parental consent is obtained. For further information about special education, the process and/or delivery of services, please contact the Parent Support and Information Center at 757-263-2066.

English as a Second Language

The vision of the Virginia Beach City Public Schools English as a Second Language program is to empower English learners to master social and academic English; to achieve academic success; to accomplish personal goals focused on college and career readiness; and to navigate the diverse local and global communities. Instruction is designed to meet the needs of students at various levels of English proficiency and build students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Language and culture taught in the ESL program reinforce skills and concepts taught in the standard curriculum. For further information concerning ESL, contact the Title III coordinator for English learners, Department of Teaching and Learning at 757-263-1070.