Gifted Education

The Governor’s School for the Arts

The Governor’s School for the Arts offers intensive programs in dance, vocal and instrumental music, performing arts, theatre, and visual arts for talented and motivated students who want to develop their potential in the arts toa high degree. The school is located in Norfolk, Virginia. Classes are held at the TR Dance Studio and in the main building at The Governor's School for the Arts. The school division provides transportation to the Governor’s School.

Students who are in grades 9-12 are eligible to attend. Applications are available from any school guidance office, from the gifted resource teacher, or from The Governor’s School for the Arts (757-451-4711). Students complete and mail an Application to Audition form directly to the school. The applications are available from the school all year and the adjudication process takes place in January of each year. Students who pass the audition then provide teacher references and additional application forms for review. Students in Virginia Beach City Public Schools are identified as gifted in the visual and performing arts upon acceptance to the Governor's School for the Arts (Visual Arts, Dance, Musical Theatre, Theatre and Film, Instrumental Music, and Vocal Music). Students take their academic classes at their regular high schools in the morning and attend the Governor’s School for the Arts for three hours every day during the regular school year. Students may earn one-and-a-half credits for each semester they attend.