Students seeking high school credit for courses not offered by Virginia Beach City Public Schools must receive prior written approval of the principal before enrolling in a course desiring credit. In requesting alternative methods for credit the following guidelines have been established:
- A parent/guardian meets with the student’s school counselor prior to requesting permission to enroll in other accredited secondary schools or programs of study if credit for these courses is desired. The purpose of this meeting is to review the student’s academic plan and discuss alternative methods for receiving credit for courses not offered by Virginia Beach City Public Schools.
- A parent/guardian must submit in writing 30 days prior to enrollment a request to the principal to enroll in another secondary school or program of study outside of Virginia Beach City Public Schools for which an alternative method for receiving credit is desired.
- In the letter the parent/guardian must include (1) the reason(s) for enrolling in this school or program of study, (2) course description including time allotment and (3) provide copies of the course or program of study objectives and table of contents of textbook or other resources to be used for instruction.
- The principal will respond in writing to the parent/guardian within 10 working days of receiving the request for an alternative method for credit as to whether or not approval will be given for the student to enroll in the school or program of study. If the enrollment request is denied, the principal will state the reason(s) for denying the request.
- The parent/guardian may appeal the decision of the principal to the Executive Director of Secondary Teaching and Learning within 5 days of receiving the principal’s decision. The Executive Director of Secondary Teaching and Learning in collaboration with the Chief Academic Officer of the Department of Teaching and Learning will render a written decision within 10 working days of the parent/guardian’s appeal. This decision is final.