AT 6641: Software and Game Development

Credits 3
High School
You can play a game on Xbox or on your phone, but can you actually "create a game" for them? Software and Game Development serves as an introduction for students interested in learning fundamental programming concepts, using Game Maker, Visual Studio, C# and the Unity Game Engine. Advanced Software and Game Development students are introduced to Database programming, Mobile App development and advanced programming concepts using Java. End of course projects have included games created in Unity Game Engine, Unreal Game Engine, games using the Oculus Rift and programming the TCC Planetarium. Students will prepare for the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) assessment in Computer Programming in the first year. During the second year, they will take the Microsoft Office Specialist Access Certification and be eligible to sit for the AP Computer Science Exam.

Virginia Beach City Public Schools ensures equal access to all CTE courses. Accessibility accommodations will be provided as needed.