To ensure that all students have the opportunity to participate in activities based on their interest and needs, two programs are available in the middle schools: Intramural and Interscholastic. The Intramural Program is available to all students with activities determined by each school’s interest. The activity program also provides for clubs, organizations, and special interest activities; such as yearbooks, newspaper, Student Cooperative Association, and student recognition programs.
The Virginia Beach School Board and the Virginia Beach Middle School League regulate each school’s inter-scholastic competition program. In order to participate in an interscholastic competition for the first semester, a student must have passed five subjects the immediately preceding year. To participate in the second semester, a student must have passed five subjects the immediately preceding semester. In addition, students will be required to earn at least a 2.0 grade point average each semester. Students who do not meet the grade point average requirement in a given semester and who wish to participate have the option to use a waiver available to them one semester during the middle school years, providing that all other eligibility requirements are met.